Template Tag Reference

django-crumbs provides two template tags: add_crumb and render_breadcrumbs. These template tags can be accessed by loading breadcrumb_tags in your template.

{% load breadcrumb_tags %}


The add_crumb tag may be used to add a breadcrumb either with or without an html anchor link. For a crumb without a link, simply provide the breadcrumb text.

{% add_crumb 'Home' %}

For a crumb with a link, provide the crumb text and either a url value or (better) the name of a url pattern to reverse in order to geneate the url.

{% add_crumb 'Home' '/home' %}
{% add_crumb 'Home' 'project-home' %}

The django-crumbs code assumes url arguments that contain slashes are already reversed and thus does not call reverse on these. However, it is generally better practice to avoid hard-coding url values in in templates, so this form should not be used unless absolutely necessary (if for some reason the target url value cannot be generated by a call to reverse).

The crumb and url arguments to the add_crumb tag may also be specified using keyword syntax.

{% add_crumb crumb='Home' url='project-home' %}

When passing a url pattern name to be reversed, additional arguments specified to add_crumb will be passed to the reverse call as args.

{% add_crumb 'Details' 'detail-view' 44 %}

The above call will result in a call to the django.core.urlresolvers reverse function:

reverse('detail-view', args=(44,))

The value returned from reverse will be the href value for the anchor link rendered with the breadcrumb.

Note: Additional arguments for the reverse call cannot be passed using keyword syntax.


The render_breadcrumbs tag renders the breadcrubs accumulated by previous calls to add_crumb, if there have been at least two calls to add_crumb. render_breadcrumbs takse no arguments.

The template used for rendering is breadcrumbs/crubms.html. django-crumbs provides a default template for this rendering in crumbs/templates/breadcrumbs/crumbs.html:

{% for crumb, href in crumbs %}
    {% if not forloop.last %}
        {% if href %}
            <a href='{{ href }}' title='Go back to {{ crumb }}'>{{ crumb }}</a> &raquo;
        {% else %}
            {{ crumb }} &raquo;
        {% endif %}
    {% else %}
        <span class='leaf'>{{ crumb }}</span>
    {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

If you would like to customize the rendering, you may override this template in your own project. The template is passed a sequence of (crumb, href) tuples in the crumbs context variable (crumbs without links will have empty href values in this sequence).